[Born May 26, 2012] Sydney is a daughter of Georgia ( CH Michaeldane JB CDL Tyra Banks Dantry) and Odin (CH Boarhunters ZZ Top Of Dantry). She is very important to our line as we love to be able to move forward with the Boarhunter line. Odin her sire is a import from Sweden. The Boarhunter line is known to us for such great health and longevity this is why we are so thrilled to be able to incorporate it into our pedigrees.
We have also been so thrilled with the amazing gentle but confident temperament this line has to offer. Sydney herself is a comical sweet girl to have around. She has piles of affection to offer anybody and all. Although one of the gentlest of girls she wins no awards on intellect. This may be what we love about her most. If you have ever seen the movie